Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 7: Lots of Eating and Waiting... =)

Well, tomorrow will be a week since I started actually trying to gain some weight. My original weight a week ago was 137 and yesterday and this morning I was 139. I weigh myself first thing in the morning to eliminate any pound or two variance you get throughout the day. So I think I gained 2 pounds and I'm hoping for 3 tomorrow morning. =)

So what have I done to gain weight?
Well, I subscribe to the idea that if you want to gain weight, eat more calories. I really believe it's just that simple. I had been eating a little more than usual here and there but yesterday I really kicked it in gear, as well as today.

I swear yesterday I probably ate about 3,000 to 3,500 calories. I normally eat something like 1,500 to 1,800 I imagine so that was quite a bit more. So I'll give a list of some examples of things I'm doing to hopefully gain some serious poundage. =)

1.) Eating something first thing. I normally skip breakfast, or just have coffee. Yesterday I ate tofurkey jerky first thing. Today, I drank a tall glass of soymilk.
2.) Eating a bigger lunch. I ate a double portion lunch yesterday and about the same today.
3.) Drinking pop and soymilk instead of water. I actually do drink water with my meals sometimes, as well as koolaid, but not lately! Pop and soymilk are both about 150 calories every time I drink them soooo I'm drinking them. =)
4.) Eating snacks. I had an hour drive to meet a friend for dinner last night. I stopped at a store on the way and ate a medium bag of chips, a handful of cashews, peanut butter cups, and had another pop. Then I still ate my full dinner! I'm also eating more candy because well, I love it. yum
5.) Drinking more lattes. I love lattes and I've traditionally tried not to have too many because they can be 450 calories. Well, bring it on now. =)
6.) Eating before bed. I'll be honest say this is pretty normal for me, but I'm not holding back whatsoever now. I'm stuffing myself before bed.
7.) Adding high calorie condiments. I have 3 very fatty high calorie condiments I'm putting on my meals every chance I get now. Soy butter is 100% fat..lol I'm loading up on that. Olive oil is very fatty. I poured about 2 tablespoons is some soup I just had. And Vegannaise is also really fatty. I'm loading that up on my veggie burgers.

And yes, I'm sorta vegan. Actually, I'm not vegan by the strict definition, and I want to write about that and explain what I'm doing with that and why, but that can be saved for another entry.

I really hope I have another pound on me tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed. =) I can't wait to get to the first gain of 5 lbs. I'll take some more pictures and my measurements and see if there are any changes and probably continue to do that every 5 lbs. =)

Thanks so much if you are reading this and thanks even more if you comment! =)


Anonymous said...

keep at it girl! my recommendation: rice dream ice cream, it's quite good and pretty high in fat for non-dairy ice cream.

YumYumGirl said...

Thanks! I'll give that a shot next time I buy some groceries. =)

The Maije said...

wow, I think your doing great, may I ask how old are you?