Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 20: A confession

I'm actually embarrassed to admit this honestly, but I've been saying I'm vegan since about mid-April when I changed my diet and started avoiding almost all dairy products as well as meat. I had already been vegetarian for almost a year and was a decision I did not take lightly.

I'm going to get into why I decided to go vegan(ish) right now, but I will say when I decided to start gaining weight, I also decided I would secretly indulge in fast food, which I've worked so hard to get away from over the past year and a half. So I found myself secretly pulling into drive-thrus and getting cheap double cheeseburgers between meals cuz I figured, it would help me gain. Well, I think that's true! But there's been 2 problems with it.

#1 is that I do feel guilty and horrible about it now. I pride myself on my dietary choices and I have compromised them many times over the last 2 weeks. I feel like a hypocrite, and while I've never been one for strict labels (I've always eaten meat once or twice a month anyway, I'll talk about that decision later though), I feel like I really have abandoned some of my core beliefs and values and I'm not sure it's worth it. I even sent in this Post Secret card about it.

#2 is that it has made my physically ill. One day I ate 2 double cheeseburgers and I felt sick the rest of the night. All I could do was lay down. And yesterday I snuck one again and almost got to the point of nausea. Then this morning, I thought I might throw up so my point is.. that this isn't working anyway. My body is not happy with me. A lot of the vibrancy I felt from eating a healthy vegan diet is disappearing and is being replaced with that too familiar sluggishness I used to feel in years past. Is this really what I want?

So I guess the secret's out.

At this point I want to get back to eating vegan, or at least vegetarian. I've always said I would be content to eat 90% vegan and the rest vegetarian. I think its time for me to reinforce that goal of mine. I know I'll definately feel a lot better.. and yes, I know its more challenging to gain weight on a vegan diet, but it's totally doable. I'll find a way if I want to make it happen.

And by the way, I weighed 144 this morning. I haven't weighed above that since I've started so maybe tomorrow. I haven't eaten a whole lot today though on account that I've felt sick from eating crap fast food! ugh Enough is enough.


Anonymous said...

Compicated issue. Seems like the best way would be to become vegetarian as a compromise again: Avoiding the burgers that make you sick but still being able to indulge in milk, chocolate etc.
I guess it would be very challenging to grow fatter with a Vegan diet.
Also interesting would be to read about your reasons for being vegan. Maybe they are not as compelling as you think.
Good job on the weight, though!

B.Rich said...

Just wanted to let you know that I love everything about your blog. Keep up the great work with the graphs and all of the detail. I hope you are taking more pictures of yourself documenting your progress ( I know you said you were worried about posting them all online).

My suggestion for vegan weight gain is constant snacking on nuts, almonds and cashews are probably the best.

YumYumGirl said...

Thanks. I'm glad you like my blog. I'm definately going to track progress like crazy. Stats are in my blood..heh =)