Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 6, Day 2: 14 lbs up!

Wow, I ate a lot yesterday. I started off with girlscout cookies and coffee. Then I got a pizza and ate 4 pieces and 2 breadsticks with sauce. Then I had a couple resee peanut butter cups, then a bunch of candy and about 3 pops before dinner! Then at dinner I had a smoothie, a pita pocket filled with seitan and peppers, and some fries with vinegar. I was still hungry when I got home so I had oreos with soymilk and more candy. Then right before bed I had 3 more pieces of pizza, pop and more candy.

And the result?

Well, I was 147 yesterday morning and 151 this morning! I'm sure not all of that will stay, but that's a pretty nice spike yeah? =)

My Gaining
Day 1: 137 lbs *start*
Day 2: 138 lbs
Day 6: 139 lbs (1 week)
Day 9: 140 lbs
Day 10: 142 lbs
Day 15: 144 lbs (2 weeks)
Day 22: 145 lbs (3 weeks)
Day 29: 148 lbs (4 weeks)
Day 36: 151 lbs (5 weeks)

Another cool thing was that my girlfriend ate just the same as me. I was trying hard to eat as much as I could and she kept up right up with me..heh She had to have gained too. I mean, that was CRAZY A LOT for both of us. I wouldn't have even had the resee cups, but she suggested them. One or two she asked me. =) How awesome is that?

And normally after a spike I get scared off and take it easy the next day, but just let me say, I have no intention of slowing down today. =) I love how my belly is looking.

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