Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 20, Day 5: 2nd Goal Reached!

Well, I've hit my second goal of being 170. Hard to believe I'm here! I guess this whole oil thing is working for gaining. I'm still anxious to see if my fat distribution is changing too. Guess we'll find out when I do my new measurements at 172. =)

My Weight Gain
Day 1: 137 lbs *start*
Day 2: 138 lbs
Day 6: 139 lbs (1 week)
Day 9: 140 lbs
Day 10: 142 lbs

Day 15: 144 lbs (2 weeks)
Day 22: 145 lbs (3 weeks)
Day 29: 148 lbs (4 weeks)
Day 36: 151 lbs (5 weeks)
Day 45: 152 lbs (6 weeks)

Day 48: 155 lbs
Day 63: 156 lbs (9 weeks)
Day 68: 157 lbs *1st goal reached!
Day 69: 158 lbs (10 weeks)
Day 77: 159 lbs (11 weeks)

Day 87: 160 lbs (12 weeks)
Day 90: 161 lbs
Day 91: 163 lbs (13 weeks)
Day 101: 164 lbs (14 weeks)
Day 107: 166 lbs (15 weeks)

Day 125: 167 lbs (17 weeks)
Day 129: 168 lbs (18 weeks)
Day 136: 169 lbs (19 weeks)
Day 139: 170 lbs

Honestly, I'm pumped to gain more right now, but I probably should slow down for a couple days and let my body catch up. I'm still going to make sure I eat about 40% monounsaturated fat though. =) But let's just say that thanks to olive oil, I won't have any trouble eating tons of calories from now on. =)


Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you that you've reached your goal! You are really a role model for me, becaus I also want to gain weight.
My only question is: How do your parents react on your weight gain?

YumYumGirl said...

So far my dad hasn't said anything and mom is glad... haha I was always "too skinny" so now she thinks i'm way healthier and i'm not really "chubby" yet.. sooo I wonder when she'll say something to me

worldly said...

Congrats! I am sooo proud of you. You look fantastic. I know you are enjoying the process more than ever. It has been so inspiring to follow your blog. I am very impressed with how you overcame doubts and fears. How you have become so open and honest with your desires. How you are putting your desires on the table for the world to see. Jeez you da bomb. I look forward to seeing where this wonderful journey of self discovery takes you. Thanks again for taking us on it with you. Just remember you have lots of friends and supporters out here.

chubbylover07 said...

sorry I havn't posted for a while.
i've been so busy.
your looking amazing, so happy and healthy.
keep at it, your gaining at the right pace and in a very thought out way.
keep up with those healthy oils and maybe try muti vitamins for a week and see if that helps spread the weight. and its always a good idea to keep the other vital things up in you too, so a multi vitamin a day could be a good idea ( as long as it dosn't effect the gain in any way lol)
cant wait for the next up date (and graph/pics lol) x x

youngnintogaining said...

If I could make a suggestion, I would say don't slow down on your gaining. If there is one thing I have noticed in my 9 years in the community it is that gainers that take a break have a harder time gaining. Its because the body recognizes that it has become overweight and tends to avoid storing anything else as fat. Your body is still tricked into thinking its skinny and thus it is much much easier to gain.

YumYumGirl said...

Thanks, but I've actually already slowed down and started back up a couple times. I'm not worried. =)

Unknown said...

Congrats sweetie. Its me feeder86timelord. I cant log in to ff so i signed up so i could tell you how happy I am for you.

Lil Pecker said...

Way to go, YYG! Congrats on the 170. Since it hardly looks like you're done with your project. What's your new goal? I couldn't believe your calorie count for the last few posts. I think I gained a couple just reading them.

I agree with what you said that you should slow it down a bit, too much gain in too short a time can lead to stretch marks, unless those don't bother you. Gotta give time for the skin to grow.

YumYumGirl said...

Good call Lil Pecker.. I needed that reiminder! I should make sure to lotion myself more too.

And hi Ryan!! thanks!

JMacVox said...

YYG - try using Cocoa Butter lotion for the belly... It works really well and smells YUM.

('Course, the gf has to like it, too...) : )