Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Pics =)

My sweetie and I

My Best Friend and I.. I think I look chubby here

My favoritist bear.. baby bear! I love her soo much <3<3<3


JMacVox said...

CUTE Pics!!! Chrissy needs her own section, like "Chrissy's Corner" or somethin. : )

Does your best friend have HALF a head of purple hair, or is this just the lighting?

B.Rich said...

You both look so cute. It's nice how 35lbs distributes so well on you and makes your face look better and better. Most people would probably look chubby after gaining 35lbs, but I think you might need to go all the way to 200 (or 207 for a nice round number =)!) to actually appear overweight.

I've already said this in another comment, but whatever you decide to do I hope you will continue to update this blog on your progress. While 207 might seem like a lot, you might start to enjoy it even more when you truly start to soften up.

Fred said...

Nice grizzly you have here!
Concerning your weight gain,I would say it is always a lonely experience with an infinity of lonely pleasures.
Society may lead you to lose weight and it will be a shameful defeat if you lose all the weight you have gained. If you feel good with a final gain of 10 or 20 pounds, good. But for your selfrespect, don't lose all.
BTW, thanks for your great work. Your great personnality desserves a great and free body.

Fred said...

Nice grizzly you have here!
Concerning your weight gain,I would say it is always a lonely experience with an infinity of lonely pleasures.
Society may lead you to lose weight and it will be a shameful defeat if you lose all the weight you have gained. If you feel good with a final gain of 10 or 20 pounds, good. But for your selfrespect, don't lose all.
BTW, thanks for your great work. Your great personnality desserves a great and free body.

YumYumGirl said...

Hey Mercury =)

I kinda doubt i'll be doing a lot on chrissie but that was a nice thought..heh i mean, she is a hottie for sure!

And yes, my best friend has half purple hair =) at the moment anyways. She lives in Cali.. she was visiting for the holidays

YumYumGirl said...

Thanks B.Rich

not sure what i'm going to do yet. I'll let everyone know though what I decide. I mean, this whole experience has been full of ups and downs anyway... that wasn't the first time I felt like I wanted to quit or lose the weight.

YumYumGirl said...

Hey Marie, I know it would seem like a shameful defeat, but it's not really like that to me. This whole thing is an experiment for me. I think the process of getting chubby or fat is more important to me than being fat.. in fact, I might even prefer being thin bc of the way my weight seems to distribute.. which i'm not crazy about.

I've kinda been planning to lose the weight after i'm done all along. I want to prove to myself that I can do it first of all, and secondly I can go back to being vegan again if I do that, or maybe even try out raw foodism a little because I've always wanted to do that too.

I don't want to be done this early though truthfully speaking so i dunno, i'll just think on it.

Thanks for commenting =)