I still dunno if I feel overweight though.. just like.. almost chubby.. i dunno.. still not there
This is my weight gain just from October 1st.. and my goal of 170 is at the top there.
My Weight Gain
Day 1: 137 lbs *start*
Day 2: 138 lbs
Day 6: 139 lbs (1 week)
Day 9: 140 lbs
Day 10: 142 lbs
Day 15: 144 lbs (2 weeks)
Day 22: 145 lbs (3 weeks)
Day 29: 148 lbs (4 weeks)
Day 36: 151 lbs (5 weeks)
Day 45: 152 lbs (6 weeks)
Day 48: 155 lbs
Day 63: 156 lbs (9 weeks)
Day 68: 157 lbs *1st goal reached!
Day 69: 158 lbs (10 weeks)
Day 77: 159 lbs (11 weeks)
Day 87: 160 lbs (12 weeks)
Day 90: 161 lbs
Day 91: 163 lbs (13 weeks)
Day 101: 164 lbs (14 weeks)
Day 107: 166 lbs (15 weeks)
well congrats on reaching the 25 BMI milestone! woo-hoo!! how does your gf like being the skinny one? lol a few lbs of that spike will not stick right away, but you are doing so well.
perhaps the reason that you don't feel overweight is that you really don't look overweight at all. sure, you and your friends can see the changes that the 29 lbs have made, but think about it this way. would a stranger meeting you for the first time even think you are chubby? i'd say probably not. you just don't come off as skinny any more, and that's a good thing.
at any rate, we both think you are looking so beautiful. have you thought of going to 177? you know, that would be an even 40 lbs. :)
mike and janet
yah, i'm considering.. i'm not stopping till i'm "chubby".. i know that much =)
Congrats! on becoming overweight. I am officially overweight too. I have only been so for a couple months. I have to say I think that whole bmi thing is pretty skewed. Like you I am now unskinny. but jeez so far from even being chubby let alone what I think most would think of as fat. You look fantastic, and certainly are much healthier looking. I know you want to experience being chubby, and you are moving on that path, but as skinny are you where, I tend to agree with mike and janet. I think 40 lbs would be the minimum needed for you to broach chubbiness.
Yah, I get your point... although really i'm "barely" overweight.. I mean there's a whole spectrum between where I am now to obese to explore... i'm sure shubby is somewhere in there. =)
I think you'll be 'Overweight' for awhile. ;)
Don't worry about being "too fat" at 175 though, 'cos you won't be obese until 197lbs- which would be a total of 60 lbs over your starting weight. :P
Yeah, the 'overweight' category doesn't mean you're fat, it just means you're fatter than average. Problem is, as society grows, 'overweight' is becoming the 'average'. :D
I don't think that the bmi chart has to do with averages. I think it has to do with some notion of catagory. BMI is basicly a mathmatical calculation. based on the result of the calculation you are put in a catagory. having a bmi of 25-29 is considered "overweight" that is a catagory. Averages are a bit different. For example the average bmi for men is 27.9 and for women is 27.6. Both are considered overweight. But the fact that the average person is in the overweight catagory did not change the formula. All very confusing, but basicly being overweight is average.
Hmmmm Stace. You are still below average weigth. Maybe that is why you don't feel chubby. You still have a way to go just to be average LOL
Sorry this was not a slam on anyone, just my take on things
In 1996, the US Government changed the lower threshold of "overweight" from 27.8 to 25. That (& the gradual growing of waistlines) is why the average person is overweight.
So, you're not overweight by 1996's standards. That's why you don't feel 'chubby'. :P
Gee, we've all come up with a bunch of conspiracy theories to explain why you you aren't chubby.
Shows how much they care about you, lol. :P
just read your blog glad to hear your liking it so far and that your gf is supporting you. you look much better now than before:)
well dang guys thanks for giving me more work to do!!
ha =)
I think you look fabulous. Your face looks so beautiful now, and I think your developing belly is really adorable.
I've watched my weight all my life, and then this summer I gained 10lbs while on vacation and couldn't get rid of it. Everyone, including my boyfriend, was complimenting me on how good I looked. (I don't think anyone realized I'd gained a few pounds!)
So, anyway, that's then I began to wonder, what would I look like if I were even heavier? I started finding out about the gainer community, and I discovered your blog. You're really an inspiration. I've always had this weird fascination about wanting to be chubby even though I've been skinny all my life. I can't explain it. Now I know I'm not the only one, and it's not as weird as I once thought.
So now I've decided I want to gain 30 Lbs more. I'm 5'7" and 142lbs, and my goal is to be 175lbs.
I don't want to be rally fat, just a little bit chubby like you.
I started today!
aw that is so cool kadz.. I hope you that you'll come back to check on me and share your experience too. =)
How is it going so far? =)
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