The area I gained the most was my bustline..w00t! (1.25")
The area I gained 2nd most was at my bellybutton (1.00")
and now TIED with at the bellybutton is the strange place that I always seem to gain a crazy amount at.. neck! (1.00") ew, I know.
It's strange because it's smaller around yet I still seem to get big gains there! Like you can measure this by percentage and it comes out much different.
Overall, I've gained 11% on my bustline
and 17% at my bellybutton
But I've gained 27% AT MY NECK and 18% on my arms
that's very interesting about the gains at your neck. i wonder if that last inch will stick? if i remember right you gaind a few inches there and then lost some...
at any rate, you are really doing great, and we are getting a lot of enjoyment from following your blog. :)
mike and janet
intresting about your neck for sure. But the photo looks really nice. Your neck looks fine and your lower jaw line has softened and you look much less gaunt. when you started you where and the low end of "average" and now you are at the high end of "average". I have to say you look much better and more comfortable now.
for some reason we couldn't see this pic last night. anyway, i would not worry at all about your neck line. you look so beautiful! it is a change for the better. no more collar bones sticking out. :) the softer curves are looking perfect.
m & j
Glad you guys think it looks better. I do too... I would be in no way ready for a double chin though! omg that would be scary! heh
When I gain it does seem to go to my neck though first, and then go other places after... weird
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