I'm still eating a lot and I was 165 this morning. Wow, 167 and it will be time for measurements again.. my 30 gain lb measurements! That's a lot.
Its funny cuz I met my sister for lunch yesterday. She's the same height as me (5'8") and she lost like 15 lbs for her wedding. Wellll, she's gaining it back now and I just to reassure her that she looks great, even better with the weight back but of course, I guess people expect you to say that. I asked her what she weighed though and she said 163 to 165 and she was stunned when I said "me too!" She's so used to me being the skinny one. She's been jealous of my skinniness our whole lives.. seriously. So she was like, "what???" and then she poked my arm and said she thought she noticed a little more than usual.. and then poked my belly and told me she felt pudge.. ha! omg
I felt kinda embarrassed but happy too. I told her I really like what I've gained so far and she told me interestingly enough that the weight she's gaining back is going in different places, this time more in her butt and thighs... she's still 5 lbs less than what she started at before she dieted for her wedding and she already grew out her new pants she bought after she lost the weight. ha poor girl, but I know the feeling. I can only fit comfortable in 1 pair of jeans and I just bought them!
so anyway... fun times =)
It's interesting that your sister is gaining weight in different places now. That's weird. The human body is fascinating isn't it?
I just started my own blog if you want to find out more about me. I've decide to keep a journal of my own weight gain adventure, though I doubt it'll ever be as comprehensive as your blog. You're so scientific. I'm very impressed!
I just realized the last post I signed in as Katie. My previous post I signed in as Kadz. It's the same person!
Sorry, forgot to give you my blog address...dah.
aww Katie thats awesome! I'm so glad you're doing that.. I'm going to check it out right now and add you. =)
Thanks yumyumgirl. And I have to say that YOU are so cool:)
I'm going to be updating my blog regularly, and I'll post pictures of my progress soon.
hey there! sorry we have not been online much lately. i was traveling and busy the past week or so.
anyway, the %gains are interesting. i bet they change as you continue though. it will be fun to see where the next 5 lbs go.
mike and janet
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