I don't know if I look "chubby" yet, but my belly is definately bigger, that's for sure.
I definately like my face better. =)
Also, 166 this morning. =) So I'm still gaining. Gotta keep eating! It's been kinda hard lately.. don't know why? Could be the anti-biotics I'm on.. friggin bronchitus.
That shirt looks so good with your little belly. I have a question: has your belly started to get soft at all? I remember you mentioning that it was round and hard.
Its a little softer, but not soft like my sweeties.. The skin is probably stretched out..lol I gained pretty fast really! almost 30 lbs since Aug 1st ya knwo?
Your face in that last picture is absolutely beautiful. I don't know whether it's just the angle, but you look positively radiant. Compared to earlier pictures, your face looks so much more vibrant. I can see why you like the changes there. As for your belly; cute, cute, cute!
you look fantastic much better than before
Very nice. You have spread 30lbs around very well. It looks more like 10. Belly is getting cute though, hope your girl likes it. Face is very pretty.
I love how your belly pokes out, some of my favorite pics ever.
You might be chubby.
You're chubby if, sometime when you're not particularly full, you find that your belly sticks out even when you try to suck it in.
Try it!
Great pics. Your blog it the best. You are gaining in such a nicely proportional way. Your entire body is looking softer and curvier. And as you mentioned, even your fingers are receiving their fair share =). Your face is really taking advantage, and softening and filling in, in a lovely way. Your torso is delightful, so curvaceous now. And your starter belly is just cute as pie. (mmmmmm pie)
You are without a doubt, unskinny. Of course chubby is very subjective. But my sense is that it would take another 10-15lbs min to achieve that "she's a bit chubby, but cute as a button" look. LOL
that's what I figure too... can't wait! =)
wow, such beautiful progress! you face just looks amazing. what a beautiful change since your early pics.
you don't look skinny any more, but i wouldn't say you look chubby yet either. maybe it is because you are pretty tall that it would just take quite a bit of gaining to start looking chubby. but, wow, you really do look better with each new lb. :) thanks for sharing the new pics!
mike and janet
The way that your belly is looking in that shirt is so hot!
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