We made lots of cookies though, it was pretty fun. Good wine too... and my sweetie and I walked a block and got pizza for everyone. Plus, it was in a really cool neighborhood of Cleveland called Little Italy. It always feels just a little bit magical over there. I yikes. =)
Aside from that, I slowed down on my gaining because I felt like I was growing.. a lot and I got scared! lol Today I was back to 169 though. I swear the olive oil makes me grow but doesn't increase my actual weight as much. I won't know if that's true until I take my measurements again though, which I'll do when I hit 172.. which I'm feeling ready to do. I'm going to try and splurge the next few days.. and I have lots of days off coming up! Which should really help. =)
Also, my sweetie said she wants to gain with me over the holidays.. ha I don't know if she really will, but I do know she can't resist cookies at all! lol
Happy holidays everyone. =)
Heh, you should try to document her, too. Seems like the gaining enthusiasm is being contagious. Is she on the slender side now?
Anyway, on the whole feeling bigger while not gaining, I don't know if the oil's the cause, or if it's as I hinted in an old comment about your large intestine absorbing new weight, but your body just hadn't figured out how to distribute it yet. There may also be levels of liquid fluctuation depending on how much you drink, sweat, pee, how much salt you took in during the day, etc..
Hopefully you can hit 172 by new year's to see if your measurements really are up. :)
This may seem gross, but calorie-dense liquids (such as oils) sometimes have the tendency to "run right through you." My advice would be to drink the straight oil right before going to bed, to give your body a chance to fully absorb it. Otherwise, you may unknowinngly expel it before it is put to real use.
Merry Christmas, YYG! Here's hoping that Santa put you on the "nice" list and brings the both of you some yummy stuff.
Have a great holiday... and enjoy the eggnog!
Hey Switchsword.. yah, id love to document my sweetie, but she's a therapist and having stuff about her on the internet could be dangerous for her.. i don't think she's planning on gaining anyway so it wouldn't be very exciting.
snickerelli -
hey, even better! I think that's probably the better way to do it but I think I'm just lazy..heh I want my monounsaturated fat and i want it now and fast! heh
Besides, i'm used to it by now.. i used to sip and now i'm taking gulps right from the bottle no prob.. we all have what works for us =)
ajg - hey ! yah, thanks for your input. I've heard that several times but I'm not having any problems with that thankfully! And I do mostly drink it before bed so I'm already on top of that... hee
and thanks mercury! egg nog has been a good friend this holiday! hope you had a merry xmas too =)
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