My butt is definately growing. I don't think my measurements of it are really reflecting all the growth because where I really feel it and notice it is more towards my thighs, and I measure at the middle point. Even still, I've expanded over 3 inches at the middle point. You can see my thighs are filling in too and even my fingers look chubbier! (they are, definately..I love them so much more!)
ummmmmm other than that... 167 again this morning. That's good. Don't want to go too fast and I'm definitely gaining still. Doing good eating less carbs and lots of monounsaturated fats too. I really hope we see a difference from that in a few weeks. I hope I hope I hope... if not, at least it's probably healthier.
Also, been getting depressed again lately. I'm such a rollercoaster I swear.
found your blog a few days ago. I applaud you for being so open in your efforts to be happy with your appearance by gaining weight and getting some nice curves, which are evident on your butt.
I hope you can turn around and have a nice weekend. Maybe a large serving of ice cream will help turn those emotions around.
Great pic! Definitely not chubby yet though. I think you still have quite a ways to go before you would be considered chubby.
well, that's a good thing I think. =) I gain a lot more if that's the case. =)
Please take front pic and side pic wearing that "outfit" :)
your becoming so curvatious. You look so very much better as an "overweight girl" LOL. Naw I think that whole standard is sooooo off. It is so fun to follow your blog and your journey. Your openness and ever increasing joy in gaining is contagious. It inspires and motivates me. As my body changes I find myself more and more drawn to continuing my gain. And hearing you echo similar thoughts is so very very appreciated.
Oh by the way your fingers are just so dam cute. I have to say looks like they are the first part that is looking chubby. I am confident that with your focus and desire the rest of you will follow suit.
Do take care and get past you little down time. We all have it and I know you will be fine in no time. But remember you have lots of people here that care about you
I just re-read your original post about when you made the decision to do what you are doing. In it you said that your felt "a tiny bit chubby" at your heaviest, then 157. Now you are at least 10 pounds past that point, how do you feel? Has your idea of what is considered chubby changed? I wonder as you grow that your idea of what is chubby is growing too. Sorta like a donkey chasing the carrot. (not saying that you are a donkey, by any means).
how do you feel? Has your idea of what is considered chubby changed?
Well, I definately feel chubbier than ever in my life. I especially notice it in my legs, hands, face and belly. And this is the first time I've grown out of clothes and stuff like that.
I don't think my idea of chubby has changed though. I really feel the next notch up from "slightly chubby"... I guess mostly I'm just not skinny anymore.. I'm still not "chubby" though. I have just a thin layer of softness on my whole body. And people are telling me I look healthier, including my mom, sooo I know I'm not there yet. I think when I'm actually chubby people are going to say something.. esp my mom.. ha
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