The studies I read seemed to deal with people with diabetes so to be honest, I'm not sure if this applies to those who don't have diabetes, but I did learn that there is two types of body fat.
Visceral Fat is the fat that tends to store around the organs of the body so this is in the abdominal and tummy region. So this contributes more to apple shape.
Subcutaneous Fat is fat that lies just under the skin. I'm guessing this is the fat that feels softer and is located more in areas like hips, thighs, arms, etc... so this contributes more to pear shape.
Visceral fat, I understand, is also worse for you because it is linked to disease more. Sooo that's not cool.
I seem to be getting more visceral fat than subcutaneous fat, and I would like to change that as much as possible. I enjoy the subcutaneous fat much more! Well, according to the studies, a high monosaturated fat diet is linked with more subcutaneous fat distribution and high-card diets are more linked with the apple-shape, visceral fat type stuff.
***this pic is not me by the way! I just like graphics!
Well, I'm guessing most of my gaining was on carbs.. especially candy..heh and bread and rice. If I could lower my carbs a bit and add more monosaturated fat.. which is more olive oil I think, I'll be better off and plus it will be interesting to see if my distribution starts to change. That would be pretty neat. =)
So anyway, my plan is to identify some foods/meals that are high in monosaturated fat and some that are high in carbs so I can alter my diet to fit this plan. For example, I think salad is going to be a good pick. Lots of olive oil can be used in the dressing, and there won't be many carbs. High protein foods with lots of oil will probably be good too. Basically, I'll probably need to oil like everything ever.. heh
This could be fun though.
I've got an idea for your "diet". Whole wheat or rye bread(Healthier type of carbs) and lots of butter or margerine or maybe an oil of some type.I've eaten at Italian restaurants that had an oil that was scrumptious to dip the bread in.The restaurant was a chain Bertucci's.
very cool info. one thing that makes your blog so fun to follow is the scientific way you go about this.
mike and janet
Unsaturated Fat-high foods?
Fish/Seafood (also contains omega-3, which is good for your brain)
Vegetable Oils (olive, canola, etc...)
Peanut Butter
Carbs themselves shouldn't be a real problem. Rather, it's probably Saturated Fat contributing most to subcutaneous fat. Maybe try & keep off the butter a little more. ;)
More pasta, Guacamole, margarine & less cheesecake.
I believe diet does affect fat distribution. I am a very thin person though so I have no experience of body fat. One day I do wish to gain weight like you (though I started DEAD skinny, however) and I don't want skinny arms and legs and an unhealthy pot belly and diabetes by 30 like many men who gain weight get. Enjoying this blog by the way.
thanks you guys and thanks cheese man =) I think i'm going to make a do's and don't list. Of course, I'm still going to eat some carbs so I guess it will be nice to find healthier carbs. Candy is going to have to be a don't. I'll have it sometimes but cutback on it and I think i'll be having lots more salads and oil based sauces and dressings.
Cheeseman... why less cheesecake.. doesn't cheese have mostly fat? is it the bad fat? And why more pasta? isn't that all carbs? I suppose if I do a pesto sauce that would be good?
thanks for the tips. =)
Cheescake (since it's full of Cream Cheese filling & the outside is loaded with butter) normally has a high level of saturated fat, which is much worse than carbs in promoting subcutaneous fat.
There are different types of carbs, too. There are simple carbs (sugars) and more complex carbs (which are found in cereals like whet & are better for you).
The World Health Org says you should get 55-75% of your total energy from carbohydrates, but only 10% from sugars.
So, yeah; try avoiding the sugar & saturated fat in particular. That doesn't mean skimping on pasta or rice though, because they are still good for you (especially since they also have plenty of fibre).
ooooh good cuz I eat rice all the time and I'd like to eat more pasta... maybe I can get some whole wheat penne ? =) that has to be good carbs right?
And I already eat really expensive good rice... basmati and jasmine =) high in calories too
Yep, wholegrain pasta would be better for you. Wholegrain means that when the process the grain they don't just take the "germ", but the whole grain. It's similar to the difference between brown rice & white rice. :)
Just go easy on the sweets, or save them as a "treat" when you want to reward yourself for something (like having the courage to get to 30 :P)
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