Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 11, Day 3: Starting to Look Chubby?

And here's a full side view pic.

I dunno.. I'm tempted to say I just look less skinny. At 157 lbs again this morning though, I'm just 8 lbs away from being officially overweight for the first time in my life! This is the fun part. =)


Anonymous said...

Ya, you should really just shoot for 200. I think that's when you'll really start to look chubby.

JMacVox said...

you are SO going to catch and then pass me. grrr... : )

worldly said...

I think you are correct, you are unskinny now. looking back at you older pics you where pretty skinny. You are still in the average range for sure. But when you reach your 170 goal you will be entering the overweight range. I have to tell you I just became overweight in the past couple weeks, and it is really cool as hell.

JMacVox said...
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Pooperscooper said...
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