Yah, so my booty was 35.25" when I first decided to gain. Now I've gained over 20 lbs and its at 37.5". Pretty hottt. =)
And are those the beginning of back rolls? My god. I've never had back rolls in my life.
Also, I don't know if you can tell, but I'm not fitting into these pants like I used to. I kinda noticed this when I went to bend down to put my socks on and couldn't because they are too dang tight! Here's another pic of them.
Please don't mind the way oversized granny panties.. I'm a bit low on laundry.. heh
And my belly definately is starting to hang over tight pants like these. How weird.
And my girlfriend kinda gave me a warning sign the other day. She likes the weight I've gained, but she's like "yah, you should stop at 170 because you might get fat!". She literally said she's scared that I'll be fat. *sigh* I mean, am I even chubby yet? I don't really think so.. I'm getting close but I wouldn't even say I'm chubby.
And ya know the next day after this conversation she was grabbing my side real hard repeatedly and I was like.. what are you doing hun? And she's like "I really like this right here" ha.. so I'm glad she likes what I got.. I think this is definately a better weight for me. =)
Oh yah, and she laughed at me when she thought of me having to buy new clothes because I couldn't fit in the ones we have anymore. Silly girl.
Anyway, this is an experiment to me so at this point I'm thinking I'll go to 175 and then lose some till I feel comfortable again, cuz I'm sure it will be outside of comfort zone. I'm CLOSE already, and close to hers it seems.
As far as gaining lately. I'm eating well off and on and I don't know if I'm gaining or not. I was 158 again for a couple days and this morning I was 159. I haven't really pushed to gain lately. I don't know why. I think maybe my sweetie scared off my appetite for the time being.. but I"m sure it will come back. It always does..lol
So I'm still 159 lbs.. 22 lbs up from when I started August 1st, which is still good. Gaining slow is kinda fun anyway. I kinda get to savor it more or something.. I dunno.. k have a goodnight!
Oh and lastly.. in her defense.. she did say that she will definately love me no matter what and if I do get fat, even if its on purpose, she will still love me sooo.. her intentions are good.. but I'm glad she was honest about her emotions because they are definately very important to me. I have to weigh them in at least as much as my own because she's such an important part of my life ya know?
Girlfriend, the booty is comin' out to PLAY! What up, J Lo?!?!? : )
Seriously, I'm so excited for ya; I know you had said that you were hoping to get some hips and butt, and clearly these last few pounds have filled them out well... Can I also admit to being a bit envious that you're gaining so well? You're putting me to shame, dahling. (quickly goes for a second bowl of ice cream)
As for your honey - I think it's awesome that she's into your gain. Clearly she likes the fact that you've put on some pounds, which must make you feel happy. At the same time, I know you want her to find ya sexy and you'll take her opinion over all others (as you should in a loving relationship). If YOU feel hot and sexy, and she seems to like something to squeeze, just think how much fun 175 will be!
PS - I agree with you about not being even close to "fat". I'd say you have a cute little belly going at this point, and that the next 15 lbs will put you into the "slightly chubby" category.
Since you and her are hesitive, perhaps you should go for 1-3 pounds in a short period of time, maintain it for a few days, then continuing.
That way, you'll be able to work out how much 'enough' is and 'too much' begins.
Of course, until you get there, you'll never know what 'too much' is so you might as well discover it.
As you've proved , you have control over your weight, so being 'too fat' is less of a worry than for other people; you can easily lose weight when you want to. ^_^
If you're on myspace, let me nkow on my account;
wow your looking great, I think everything your saying makes sence.
enjoy it, get to 175 see how it feels and then do what you feel is right.....although, theres always the chance that your gf will siuddenly like how you feel at that weight.
see what happens, and as long as your happy, thats all that matters.
keep the the posts and pics coming, I'll always do my best to comment, but am very busy.
luv ya lots x x
I'm in agreement with what everyone has said so far. These pictures show you looking VERY good, and the tight jeans only enhance your looks -- I'm sure your gf has let you know that. From what you've said, it sounds like she's looking forward to see what happens next.
I really like seeing you full and a round belly. I can only imagine how sexy your movement would be with it.
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