I dunno, I just wish I was curvier. Maybe i'll get curvier from the gaining but I have no idea.
I was 157 again this morning. So I'm definately there. =) I didn't even eat past 7pm last night cuz i feel asleep early!
I'm hoping to do measurements and before/after pics soon. =) Just haven't had a chance yet.
oking great keep at it.
remember if ya ever wanna chat, send me a message on FF x x
now thats what i call impressive...keep up the good work...your body looks gorgeous
Thanks for the pic. You are looking great. The way you are smoothing and rounding out looks so good on you. Your arms look less "boney" and you have the most adorable starter belly. Indeed it hard to know where your new weight will eventualy settle but that is part of the fun. I am up about 23 pounds over the past few months and it amazes me how fun it is to watch my body change. Enjoy.
thanks! yah, this is really fun.. i'm catching up to you! =)
LOL catch me if you can LOL, Wanna race. LOL
Part of me wants to.. but you'll win cuz i'm trying to take this slow just cuz i think its a healthy thing to do.
Plus, i'm sick! it sux! i'm probably going to lose some weight.. i always do when i'm sick =(
I've been away, so I'm just catching up. I especially like this picture.
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