Well, I was 150 this morning so some of that spike is sticking. That's a good thing. =) Here's the graph. I'm definately, very clearly, gaining.
I thought I would write a little bit about the differences I'm noticing. I started feeling noticably pudgier at the 10 lb mark and I can identify why that is now. The measurements are showing that my neck has gained 2". That is really significant and I can definately tell! That's not my first choice for where the weight could go! But oh well, its not horrible either.
So I can actually feel the pudge under my chin. It's taking some getting used to. I'm also noticing that my necklace is tighter on me now. It doesn't hang as low.
My tighter shirts and bras are noticably tighter on me. I've gained over 2" on my waist and belly and an inch on my bust so I'm not that surprised. And I look wider in the mirror. I'm honestly loving my belly. It's so much better and nicer. And surprisingly, even last night my girlfriend made a comment that she loves my belly, and that she likes it better now! I'm starting to think she really likes me gaining. She especially likes feeling skinnier in comparison to me.
Oh, and I hit a little milestone. This morning was the first time I weighed more than her. She was 148 and I was 150. I still have 3" on her though so my BMI is still lower. =P. I'm catching up though!
Hm lastly I can feel a difference in my legs. I know i've gained an inch on them and I can feel it when I kneel down. It's a little harder to kneel. I dunno.. its wierd. And I also noticed that I have some fat going under my armpits. *sigh* I swear, it goes everywhere I don't want it to go, and doesn't go where I want it! I'd rather be one of those girls who gets a pear shape, know what I mean? But i've only gained an inch on my booty and hips. le sigh
Its okay though, this is fun. I'm enjoying it.. I guess half the fun is seeing where the weight goes and enjoying the experience of it. Which I'm doing. =)
That's all for now!
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glad your enjoying it, have you thought about the choc challange any??
well, i've been eating lots of kit kat bars cuz of that... does that count? =)
Nice to hear the spike had some staying power. Sounds like you are really having fun with the changes. Enjoy your journey.
I totally am. thanks =)
I'm impressed with your commitment...its definitely beginning to be noticeable...I wonder how 20lbs will look on you. Also, dont worry that the weight isnt falling on your lower half yet...it may end up catching up eventually.
Gosh I hope so...
and yah I'm committed to the 20 lbs.. maybe more after.. i have to admit, it may be hard to stop..
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