Here's a graph for your viewing pleasure.
And what does 155 look like on me this morning?
Kinda scary. I was feeling iffy about my weight gain yesterday and BAMMM, the scale showed 3 lbs more than I've been since I started this.
My Gaining
Day 1: 137 lbs *start*
Day 2: 138 lbs
Day 6: 139 lbs (1 week)
Day 9: 140 lbs
Day 10: 142 lbs
Day 15: 144 lbs (2 weeks)
Day 22: 145 lbs (3 weeks)
Day 29: 148 lbs (4 weeks)
Day 36: 151 lbs (5 weeks)
Day 45: 152 lbs (6 weeks)
Day 48: 155 lbs
I'm committed to 20 lbs and maybe 30.. can't guarantee more than that.. but part of me is saying.. hey stace, go outside your comfort zone and just try it.. and you can always lose it afterwards if you'd like. cuz i know that i can lose it ya know? i'll just go hardcore vegan and calorie count. *shrug*
You definitely look better.
[QUOTE]I'm committed to 20 lbs and maybe 30.. can't guarantee more than that.. but part of me is saying.. hey stace, go outside your comfort zone and just try it.. and you can always lose it afterwards if you'd like. cuz i know that i can lose it ya know? i'll just go hardcore vegan and calorie count. *shrug*[QUOTE]
This is a hard position to be in so what I would do is once you get to 157lbs you should pause your gaining and ask yourself has your life been better or have you felt better since your gain and then talk it over with you girlfriend and see how she feels and ask her if she wouldn't mind or like you gaining more. Personally I think this is a really good thing (I mean you gaining not the problem you have at the moment)& if your happy & your girlfriend is happy then continue gaining until you feel you want to stop.
if you want someone to talk to add me on my msn (Which is "
Well first off you look great. such an attractive starter belly :). You did a really wonderful job of breaking out of your plateau. Its nice to know that your body reacts so well to caloric intake, either up or down. This fact should really put you at ease. I know it may have caught you a bit off guard getting a quick little jump but hey it is kind of fun too. Relax, celebrate your success. You are really an inspiration, in terms of facing your comfort zone, and not letting it (or social pressure) dictate your life. Step outside the box, there is a whole wonderful world out here. And you are supported and appreciated. Enjoy
aw thanks for the support and kind words you guys! xo
And I did end up talking to my gf today and it went GREAT. Seems like she's totally fine with my gaining.. i'm shocked honestly!
soo cute belly!
you look great! and 170 is going to look even better!
should be interesting =)
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