Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 17: Rate of Gaining

Well, I'm into my 3rd week of gaining now. I weighed in at 142 this morning which is exactly 5 lbs more than I started at. So that's about a pound every 3 days... or about 2-3 lbs a week. That's probably right where I want to be.

I don't want to gain really quickly. I mean, I probably could, but that would probably not be the healthiest thing and I'd really like to try and avoid stretch marks if possible.

So if I continue at this rate that will be 10 lbs a month. That means I'll be at 146 by the end of this month and 156 by the end of September which is my goal. =)

Then I'll have to decide how I feel and if I want to gain more. Something tells me I'm going to want more. I'm just hesitant and nervous. I dunno. Always been skinny.

Oh! One last thing! I was at my friends house yesterday and she was like "Stace! omg!" and I was like "uh what hun?" and she was like "you're getting a belly!". She seemed hesitant to tell me that too..heh But I told her how I'm purposely gaining and stuff and she actually was like "Yah, I think that will look good on you," so yay for that. =) That's my first comment about my gaining though, so it must be starting to show a little?

A girl can only hope.


Anonymous said...

So no more obstacles in the way, or are there ? You girlfriend wants you round and sexy, too. I can't wait to see a nice round potbelly forming over your panties. Will you post more pictures? Would love to see more.

YumYumGirl said...

Well, a friend wants me to gain some, but my girlfriend isn't as encouraging. But I'm gaining 20 no matter what. Then decide what to do from there. =)