Anyways, one stat I really like is the BMI (Body Mass Index). There are quick BMI calculators online and its a way to sorta normalize how fat someone is by factoring in their weight. It's still kinda flawed for this purpose because it doesn't take muscle into account, but its still pretty good for me since I have barely any muscle..heh
So I'm kinda excited to watch my numbers climb up this scale (or down in this case). Why did I make it go down anyway? lol Well, I'll fax that for next time, but you can see where I'm at and the BMI also provides an actual "class" for your height vs weight.
So, 18.5 and less is considered "underweight". 18.5 for me would be 122 lbs. Also between 18.5 and 25 is considered "normal weight". 25 to 30 is considered "overweight" and 30 and above is considered "obese". So at this point I am pretty much a little lower than the center of "normal weight". I'm 5'8, 140 lbs and that is a 21.3 BMI. I won't hit the "overweight category" until I'm 165 which is pretty close to my goal of gaining 20 lbs. Wow, I would be "overweight" for the first time in my life.
So I've made this chart and its zoomed in on the normal weight category because I'm pretty much going to be working my way up to overweight. Dont' know if I'd go farther than that at this point. I like seeing things like this though. =)
Two Comments on my Weight
I also wanted to mention I got 2 comments on my weight recently, and they were both in reference to how skinny I am. I guess I've only gained 4 lbs so its not even noticeable and I'm still "skinny" to a lot of people. So my significant other basically said, "Aww my baby is so pretty and so skinny" which kinda made me feel bad actually, but anyways... And a coworker was giving away an extra burrito or something and another coworker said, "Hey, give it to Stace! She could use some meat on her bones!"
Plus, he knows I'm vegan(ish). So poop on him. But yah, I haven't gained anything noticable so far. I wonder if that will change in the near future?
you should post a daily eating journal, maybe we'll see a trend : ), and people can give you pointers. have you tried rice dream? i always thought that would be an effective way for a vegan to gain- who can ever have enough ice cream?!
Funny you mention ice cream.. just had vegan cookie dough ice cream tonight! yum!
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