I'm basically just trying to maintain my weight lately. I'll start on the next 5 lbs in a few days probably. Have a great Labor Day. =)
Oh, by the way, I got many comments on how skinny I am. *sigh* I'm not even sure why. Oh, and my girlfriend says she likes my belly *better* since I've gained. That really made me feel better. I mean, I really care what she thinks. I love the girl. And I want her to continue to be attracted to me so yay, things are good so far. I mentioned gaining my next 10 and she didn't have any objections. =)
thats great news, shame about the skinny comments though, I think your doing really well.
keep at it and enjoy eating all the things most people say they can't.
better yet, find some skinny girls eating salad and eat a nice big meal in front of them, ha ha.
you look great in the pic by the way (as always lol)
maybe try some food play with your GF, that could be fun for you both x x
Hi! I read your entire blog. Congrats on the progress.I thought I would share my similar experience with you.I'm excited for you because I know that this is a thrilling experiment for you.I too wanted to gain enough weight to make an obvious change in my appearance especially my tummy. Why? I just know that the notion was extremely exciting...wondering what it would feel like . Like you I figured that twenty pounds would have to make a difference.It seems like I was always musing about what that sensation would be until one day I just had an epiphany about it and said to myself with great conviction " Im going to do it!" And I was going to go for twenty pounds...not ten not fifteen but the full twenty or more if necessary to see the change. Like you I set a non-negotiable goal and I looked forward to meeting it before making any other plan.You already reached this point and I bet you feel the same thrill.
We are about the same weight range and I'll tell you that I never thought I would be anything but average weight. Never had a tendency to gain and ,like you, I liked to keep track and document "stuff". I figured all the calories I would need,what I would eat, and how long it could take.Yep,I calculated my future BMI and just for fun I figured my OVERWEIGHT BMI and even my OBESE BMI!! Would I ever let that happen?
So the goal was set and I began. I began with real purpose and, as you know, for us usually normal weight folks this is a hard thing to do. It takes work and determinstion and a bit of discomfort at first.I share your frustration trying to figure out if your gaining fat or just stuffed to the gills.Wasn't it great after the first ten pounds to know that you had finaly retained some pounds. This is getting long so I'll just print my list of "firsts" that you can look forward to.You already had one when you said "I'm going to gain weight"(20lbs.).The first feeling that my tummy is significantly bigger. Feeling a piece of clothing get too tight.Having my friend notice and like the change as I'm sure your partner has.
I ran my weight up to 163 pounds and got my desired twenty pound belly and the feeling? It's awesome!...You'll see.
I may have left some things out but feel free to ask me anything that you might find helpful. Messter
haha i calculated my bmi milestones too =)
thanks for sharing everything.. just to clarify though.. i've only gained 10 lbs! So thats halway to my goal... i wanted 20 lbs =) and i'm working on it!
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