Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 11: 3 Pounds Forward, 2 Steps Back.. or something

Yah, so false alarm. I haven't gained 5 pounds. =(

I was 139.4 this morning after not eating very much yesterday. I guess I kinda wanted to see what would happen. I guess my metabolism is a tough cookie to crack! I knew this though and I'm still determined.

I'm still happy I reached the 5 pound mark. And I'll be there again shortly I'm sure. Just got to keep eating. =)

And I started off today with some aloo gobhi and soymilk so I've got a good start. Okay, back to recording music!

Oh, and that pic isn't me, just in case you thought it was.

1 comment:

Cade said...

Do you have any of your recorded music online?