Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back Safe and Sound =)

Back from getting surgery! It went well and I'm just in recovery mode. Here's a pic of me and my sweetiepie from the trip (before surgery of course!)


Anonymous said...

Hey - good to see your post and find that all went well and you're recovering nicely. Cute pic of your girl. I bet she's taking very good care of you.

Here's hoping you continuing to feel better every day and the surgery results are you were hoping for.
Have a great weekend.

YumYumGirl said...

She sure is.. thank you! =)

worldly said...

Glad to see your home safe and sound. Just relax and heal.

JMacVox said...

Yay, girl! Take care and get some good rest - recovery requires sleep. (and ice cream, or so I've been told...) :)

Glad you're okay and in good spirits!