Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Medication With a Side Effect

It's been awhile since I updated so I thought I'd check in. I'm holding steady at about 160 lbs. I keep having these spells of trying to lose weight, barely losing anything, and then gaining it back by accident. So there hasn't been anything new to report really. My olive oil experiment was fun, and made my skin softer, but didn't really make any change on my distribution as you probably expected, but I don't know, just doing that stuff "to see" kinda excites me I guess..ha So I do stuff like that anyway.

I do have something interesting to share though. I'm starting a new medication for my anxiety. It's called abilify. I know it's often used as an adjunct with an anti-depressant but that's actually not what i'm taking it for. I'm taking it for the more historical purposes of it being a mood-stabilizer and a an anti-psychotic. It should help with my crazy "episodes" and I'm excited. Today was my 4th day on it and my first day at 5mg actually. Which is a low dose.

My psychiatrist did mention though, that one major side effect of Abilify is actually WEIGHT GAIN. It's the only side effect she even bothered to mention actually and she asked me, "Do you have a problem with that?" haha I think my only problem was that I got kinda turned on when she said that! I know I'm weird.

Anyway, I don't know how to feel about that. I don't feel ready to gain more weight. 170 was a little too much for me. 173 actually, was my top weight. I think I hit it back in January. At that weight my belly was a little too out of proportion for me and my face was getting chubby and it was a little scary for me since I've been skinny my whole life and well, I'm not "skinny" anymore... just "normal" I guess.. whatever that means. 170 though, I start to get chubby and that's only 10 lbs away! I'm a little nervous that I might start gaining weight against my will.

I guess one good thing though is that it would probably revive this journal. I guess we'll see.. heh


B.Rich said...

It's so nice to see a post again. I hope you keep this updated a lot more often no matter what happens with the medication. Maybe post on the ff forums some, just so that everyone who used to follow your blog knows you are still around.

B.Rich said...

Haha, I just noticed you already posted in the forums. You're already way ahead of me. I just wanted to wish you luck with the medication, I really hope it improves your quality of life. Weight gain really isn't such a terrible side effect for someone so fascinated by it.

makeshift64 said...

did any men try to flirt with you when you were fat

makeshift64 said...

what was you highist weight

makeshift64 said...

which state do you live in

makeshift64 said...

my friend told me to tell you to try some way to get your tush big.

junior88 said...

makeshift you are the reason so many women do not like to keep blogs like this. Yum Yum hope all works out the way you want.

makeshift64 said...

you know her

mslov2eat said...

If you are weird, then I am too! When I read your post about your new med, I totally identified with your feeling of being turned on. My dr. once prescribed Megace(megestrol acetate) for me. That really makes you hungry and you do gain wt. I was turned on too!
Go ahead and take the med. If you resist, your dr. might stop it and prescribe something else that's not so fun.
I don't about you, but for me the thought of my weight gain/loss being out of my control is an exciting thought. And, just think of it, you don't have to feel guilty about gaining! It's a side effect of your prescription!

David said...

I know it can be scary to gain weight after being thin all you life but you never know, you might be a fat girl trapped in the body of a skinny girl. Well whatever i'm sure you'll have the support of your sweetheart and all the people that read your blog.

Unknown said...

Possibly the creepiest group of comments I've ever read on this blog.

Good to know you haven't disappeared, YYG. Good luck with whatever you decide.

walkman said...

Hi there. I'm glad to see you're ok. The fact that your weight stays at 160 without trying means that 160 is your natural weight. I would recommned leaving yourself alone; do not try to vary from your natural weight. Each persons body has a natural weight that it maintains automatically. Forcing your body away from this natural setpoint will stress you body's metabolism and disturb your body chemistry in ways that coulb be harmful. You should let your body be its natural weight whatever that may be.

I do enjoy watching a woman gain weight, if she's going to her natural size, which for me can be big.

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