Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finally stretch marks pic

Long overdue, I know...

They got worse even when I stopped gaining. I guess my body was still moving things around? I dunno.

Thanks for all your comments in my last entry. It's encouraging to see how many people check up on my blog. =) I know i've been posting less.. but I'm not done!

In other news, my recovery is going really well. I'm 3 weeks post-op and still sore as hell no doubt! But no infection at this point probably means I don't have to worry about that and it should be smooth sailing from here on out. =)

Also, I've decided on my plan for this year regarding my gaining and weight. I'll share that in detail in my next entry. It will probably be dissappointing to many of you but maybe not. Who knows. So that's coming soon. Thanks for reading if you did!


The Sports Hayes said...

Its only dissappointing because of the image you are projecting.

If you yourself feels what you're going to do is going to you help YOU and you alone, that's fine. I myself am supportive of what you're about to do, but its other people less fortunate that I'm worried about.

A normal sized fat girl that's been picked on all her life could have been reading your blog as inspiration that you can still be fat and be happy, well what is she going to think when she's been reading so far how you've gained 30 pounds and is still happy.....only to see you get breast implants and lose weight to look like a WWE Women's wrestler. Its what's called a "bait and switch" even if it was unintended

Don't worry about dissappointing the men who just want to see you gain weight until you can't move, those guys are simple clowns. I'm more concerned about the female on the bridge of dieting and thinking "well if Stacey wants to get implants and lose weight to be happy, then I guess if I want to be happy I have to do the same"

That's the only dissappointing thing, building an image only to change it. Like I said, I'll be supportive no matter what, just think about the girls who are on the bubble about weight gain/loss and look up to you.

Unknown said...

wow KHayes, where did that rant come from? way to pile on the guilt. I don't believe Stace was ever claiming to be some sort of champion for the feelings of normal sized fat girls.

From what I understand, she was just exploring her body shape. Tried adding a few pounds, but felt more comfortable without them. What's the big deal here? It's her body, she can do with it as she pleases.

Stace evidently knows what body shape she feels suits her. If people reading this blog don't feel comfortable with their image. they should change that. If not, then they shouldn't. Simple as.

The Sports Hayes said...

Dave....isn't that what I just said though? It IS her body and she can do what she wants, didn't say otherwise. I'm just saying this sudden change of heart kind of goes against what she had been building.

I meant no disrespect, just saying how I felt about it.

Unknown said...

I can see where you're coming from but it wasn't really a sudden change of heart was it?

From what I gathered from reading her posts, her deciding to lose her new weight was always a very real possibility. I don't think she said she was definately going to get fat and stay that way.

YumYumGirl said...

KHayes.. you havent' even heard my plan yet! Actually, my goal is not to become some skinny girl with implants. Its more like, with what i've learned, i kinda want to start the gaining over... i'll explain better later.

David said...

KHayes666 i think your jumping the gun a bit how about we wait to hear about her plans instead of assuming what she is going to do.

The Sports Hayes said...

I thought I heard what her plans were on a different site, if I'm wrong then I apologize

YumYumGirl said...

You probably should hear it from me.

Cheese! said...

lol, I knew you had passionate supporters, but not THIS passionate. :p