Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gain #4: Kati's gain

Another yummy gain. =) Hope you like as much as me. =)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heeere's the Plan

So basically I've decided to stop my gaining. I gained 35 lbs which was a great experience and very fun and I loved it and love the new weight for the most part. The only thing I didn't like is that too much of the weight went to my belly. It just seems disproportianately big and I don't really like that. =(

So I'm losing weight now, but it's probably not for the typical reasons. I've learned from this experience of gaining and I wish now that I had used olive oil from the beginning. I think maybe the fat would have distributed better. I also think gaining fast might cause more to go to my belly too, and my hormones are kinda screwed up, so I'm wondering if that might be a factor too.

Sooo basically I want to start over. =) I want to lose the weight from my belly and this time I can get a lot of good before pics too which I was lacking as I went on to gain more and more. I actually like the weight I'm at, but I really want to try gaining slower next time.. truly gaining vegan (mostly with oil), and making sure my hormones are watched and maybe adjusted this time to see if the fat distributes differently. Plus, I like the idea of dragging this out and I can easily go vegan again! I have SO MUCH extra money You save so much when you aren't trying to eat 24 hrs a day...haha

So I dunno.. I think I'm going to just lose about 25 lbs over the next 6-8 months or so. It's also a fun process for me and I'm going to take measurements as I go to see if my weight distributes differently at all as I lose. I dunno, kinda fun. Then I most likely will try gaining again this fall/winter. So that's the plan!

I am very much sticking around the community though. Weight gain and fat admiration is a part of me and I've learned that more than ever over the last few months. That will never change. I will never stop fighting societies unfair assumption that fat is somehow unnattractive (curves are hotttt!! duh!!) and I will always be proud of who I am. So there you go. =) I don't expect to have full support on my decision here, but this has always been for me so I guess it doesn't matter that much.

And I'm really excited to see if there is a big difference the next time I decide to put on some weight.

In other news, I really think 170 is a good weight for me. I like my body a lot better at this weight (except the belly is a liiiittle too much for my liking).. but I'm softer and more cuddly and my face I think looks way better than it used to. So I will definately be returning to 170 at some point. Thanks to all of you for supporting during my gain! I will forever be a gainer, so don't forget it! =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finally stretch marks pic

Long overdue, I know...

They got worse even when I stopped gaining. I guess my body was still moving things around? I dunno.

Thanks for all your comments in my last entry. It's encouraging to see how many people check up on my blog. =) I know i've been posting less.. but I'm not done!

In other news, my recovery is going really well. I'm 3 weeks post-op and still sore as hell no doubt! But no infection at this point probably means I don't have to worry about that and it should be smooth sailing from here on out. =)

Also, I've decided on my plan for this year regarding my gaining and weight. I'll share that in detail in my next entry. It will probably be dissappointing to many of you but maybe not. Who knows. So that's coming soon. Thanks for reading if you did!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stretch Marks Update

I know this blog is slowing down and I promise to explain my new plan soon, but in the meantime, my stretch marks have GROWN. THey started like behind my knees sort of and they have now crawled all the up my legs.. yikes! Those snuck up on my fast! I didn't have any before I started downing the olive oil so I wonder if that likes to go to my legs and thighs or something? I hope so! I like the weight there actually.. hee

That's all. Comment if you read this! I guess i want to know if people are still checking up on me or if I've been forgotten yet. =)

I'll take pics of the stretch marks at some point, but then i'm going to start rubbing Vitamin E on them cuz they aren't very pretty to be honest.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Giving Blood Plus 35 lbs

One thing I wanted to mention was that I used to have a lot of labwork done years ago because I'm hypoglycemic and they always told me I had great veins. They would find the vein in my arm fold very quickly and it would actually be pertruding out. So they could get that one really quick.

Well, prior to surgery I had to get some labwork done and they couldn't even find the vein in my arm fold anymore! haha! She looked for probably ten minutes at both my arms and settled for a vein on my wrist.. lol! They even ran the IV in my wrist because of this same problem. My stats showed my arms gained a lot of the fat and I guess that was right! I'm surprised it only took a 35 lb gain to make that big difference! Pretty cool though. =)